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Nutella Bliss Balls


¾ cup nut butter of choice

⅓ cup flour of choice

2 tbsp cacao powder

1 desert spoonful collagen powder

2 tbsp honey

¼ tsp cinnamon

⅛ tsp vanilla extract

⅓ cup chopped roasted hazelnuts

For the chocolate “dust” to cover bliss balls: 1 tbsp cacao powder


  1. Add nut butter, honey, and vanilla extract to a food processor, and process until all ingredients have mixed well.
  2. Add in all dry ingredients and process for 15 seconds or until well combined.
  3. Add in hazelnuts and pulse to break them down and get them mixed in.
  4. Roll batter into small balls and place them on a plate. Refrigerate for 15 minutes.
  5. Mix the “dust” on a small plate. Roll each ball in the dust mixture and refrigerate for 1 hour prior to serving.


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